It’s been a good week for me as a historical fiction author. I just finished a novella for an anthology on Queen Arsinoe II of Egypt and I lunched with fellow members of the Chesapeake Bay Area Historical Novel Society chapter. We had a lovely lunch over which we discussed the challenges of writing our particular genre and celebrated the release of Sophie Perinot’s debut novel, The Sister Queens. Later, over coffee, we even had an animated debate over whether or not Napoleon could be made into a credible protagonist in historical fiction. It occurred to me that I may finally have enough experience (barely) in the field to give advice! *gasp*

At the end of this week, I’ll be giving a presentation to middle school students who are about to embark on school projects in writing historical fiction. I created a handout for them filled with tips on finding your passion for your historical era and exploiting the sights, sounds, tastes and textures of your bygone world.

I happen to think that adults might find this worksheet useful too, so I’m posting the PDF here: KidsHandoutHistFic

If you like it or find it useful in your classroom, let me know!