
Want me to read your book?

If you’re an author looking for an endorsement quote, please submit inquires through my agent Kevan at MarsalLyonLiteraryAgency dot com and check my FAQ

To Arrange a Speaking Engagement
To arrange a speaking engagement, contact:
Authors Unbound – Christie Hinrichs
Thank you so much!
Inquiries about Subsidiary Rights

Inquiries about subsidiary rights should be directed to: Kevan Lyon, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency LLC, PMB 121, 665 San Rodolfo Dr. 124, Solana Beach, CA 92075, Kevan at MarsalLyonLiteraryAgency dot com

Book Club Visits

For Book Club Visits, visit Novel Network

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries about Becoming Madam Secretary or The Women of Chateau Lafayette, contact Loren Jaggers (ljaggers at

Oh yay! I love to hear from folks and can’t wait to get your email. I read them all, but due to the volume I can’t answer everything, so you may get a reply from my assistant. Thanks for understanding! 🙂

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